Category Archives: President’s Message


Below are the Branch 3 election results as certified by the election committee. Winners in bold PRESIDENT Dave Grosskopf Jr. 652  Susan Lewis 449 Executive  Vice President Mike Levering 535 WilliamZueghardt 515 Vice President Becky Stockman 533 Wayne Comstock 512 Sgt. at Arms Bob Koteras 508 Zeb Robson 495 Trustees Larry Kania 720 Rene Gronowski […]


  HACK ALERT Branch 3 has been informed by Human Resources of a fake liteblue site The Postal Service is alerting employees to beware of a fraudulent LiteBlue site that recently appeared on the internet. LiteBlue is used by employees to enroll in health plans, change their benefits, report unscheduled leave and perform other employment-related activities. […]

Contract Update

TENTATIVE WAGE INCREASES WIPED OUT BY WHITE HOUSE BUDGET It seems that whenever letter carriers take a step forward, Capital Hill is right behind us attempting to hold us back and take more of our wages away from us. Last month the Trump administration released a budget proposal which will include several cuts to federal […]

Amazon Sunday

On 8/11/16 I had signed a overtime agreement for Sunday Amazon. This issue had come up last year but the Service was not interested in addressing it. As a result we discovered that management had been picking and choosing as to whom they decided they wanted to work on Sunday. The matter became even more […]

Prime Time Vacation

Each year at this time our members begin the process of selecting their vacations schedules. Each Installation has its own  formula or method for determining which weeks are available and the number of  carriers allowed of per week. Since each Installation has separate rules, contact your stewards to find out what you need to do. […]


   The average letter carrier should know what their duties and responsibilities are when it comes to the delivering of mail. However very few members know or understand all the provisions that are contained in our National Agreement. A contract is an agreement between an employer and a  Labor Union  that governs wages, hours, and working […]


The election committee has announced the results of the Branch 3 Elections. The winners are designated in bold and underlined as having the highest vote totals. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Susan Lewis  405 Renee Baron  316 William Baker  295   VICE PRESIDENT David Grosskopf Jr. 605 William Zeughardt. 372   TRUSTEES Rob Spiedel  586 Becky Stockman. 582 […]

Medical Information

MEDICAL   INFORMATION   Whether or not management has the right to medical documentation depends on the circumstances involved. It is important to know the limits of the Postal Service’s authority when requesting your personal medical data. However, in the event you are required to produce medical documentation it should be sent to the medical unit […]